Well I have begun writing now.. with no aim whatsoever on what I should be writing. But an incident that happened day before night is indeed very disturbing for me to just let it pass. The city of Mumbai has been subject to continuous attacks and this definitely needs to stop. If the men who run the state and country can only keep us 99% safe its time we strip them off their bloody power and ask them to take care of themselves while we take care of ourselves. But then that will make this country lose its balance. Mumbai has time and again been called resilient, but resilient about what???Of the shit that you political honchos give it!!!
My only visit to Mumbai was when I was 3 yrs old and since then I have had fleeting glances of the city in transit and it has always remained dear to me. As an Indian I feel proud that Mumbai is a part of it. This incident brings me to a feeling well quoted in a movie ‘Koi m*****c***d button dabake nahi keh sakta ki mujhe kab marna hai.”
If the home minister of this country and another member of the legislative assembly who is pitted to be a future PM can only assure you of 99% safety then that is the beginning of anarchy in this country, whose people have been taught to always embrace peace. Well why would not I feel that I need to pick up a weapon and safeguard my family from such attacks? Why should I live with the fear of losing my loved ones every single day? Why would I want to read a #tag of Mumbai attacks or any other attacks on twitter frequently?
It is time the people whom we have submitted the responsibility of our security to buck up and take notice.
Dear Government,
Let me put this to you in words you can understand plain and simple you’re - staring a vibrant, young, educated India. An India whose 1.2 billion and growing people are hoping things will change. With just two options, every year we vote the better devil among the worst hoping you guys will change. Hoping bringing you to power and handing over the responsibility to you we can sleep in peace. Hoping this country will grow at least as much in 6 decades like a Singapore which with much lesser resources did in lesser time. Also stop bloody comparing us with strife torn countries for gods sake I don’t believe we are. Did you notice why Anna was able to gather the kind of support he did. It is the insecurity of today’s India and if you’re closing your eyes at it, you’re digging your own grave and ours along with it. If you continue to run this country the way you are doing it, the last thing you people will have to do is dig a mass grave in every city and pile up our bodies into it. A fearful thought indeed. Yes it is and please do think hard. There is very thin line between India and Pakistan today. There the politicos accept it’s a way of life and so they won’t do anything about it, here you act as if you can do a lot and do nothing about it. What is it that we as citizens should do to help you? We are more than ready. But definitely you don’t want us there do you? One country sends in stealth bomber to another country overnight finishes off the man who took the lives of their countrymen and we protect a similar guy with Z category security, beefing him up with chicken biryani. Is this some kind of way to say the world we are ‘Incredible India’ and we believe in ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’. To F*** with your diplomacy. He has killed my brothers, sisters, friends, mothers, and fathers. What takes you so much time to try him and pronounce him guilty and hang him or shoot him off? Why are we spending so much money on a guy who killed our very own people? Don’t give us the bullshit of human compassion. Just in case you want to know 99% of us and I use your own statistics ‘99%’ of us feel he does not require our compassion.
Now, for the opposition is just got two words for you. I am sure you understood. Stop seeing politics in everything period.
What I have jotted down here are jus some fleeting thoughts of my generation’s frustrations random but clear.. We seek action not words.
We as a country do not want to open our eyes every day to blood filled streets with wailing children who lost their family to a violent death. We may be country where an emperor after killing millions decided to give up war, we may be a country where one man fought against an empire without any weapon, we may be a country that has always advocated peace, but we are also a country where a woman took a sword and battled to death for freedom, where a man formed an army for freedom. Yes we are peace loving and we love amicable solutions but that does not give anybody the right to shit on our heads. Dear government take notice our silence could just be a calm before a storm and when a billion people raise against a cause there will be not stopping, no looking back, just sounds of marching foot that tramples everything in its way and stops only when they know their motherland is safe.