Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What i want to do...

For 22 years in my life I have always wanted to do something that is different from what others did. All of you who read this probably know me in a very different way… as far as I know no two people know me the same way… well that’s one gift probably god has given me….

But what prompted me to write this blog is something very different from all these…

Yesterday and day before in between my work I received a few mails.. Saying happy Easter.. The God WIll rise.. So on and so forth….. At that point of time in work.. I just pressed of the delete button ...….

But on a second thought I felt what “F…” are we doing… all of us.. Each and every one… I think anyone who reads this blog can connect to me easily…. Cant you…?

Was not there a time when holidays for Easter/Diwali/Christmas were all the more important because it came after a Quarterly or before a monthly test at coll…. For some reason we were all happy.. if not happy… we enjoyed things…. Failures were just a part of life then… and success was celebrated then.. a 10th rank or 1st rank felt like being on top of the world… An fail or arrear was just like anything as normal as driniking coffee..

Today.. a failure is blown out of proportion… and seen as if u have committed a sin… a Bug is not fixed.. well then there is severity... reason... severity of the severity... and to top it all the white Babu gives a piece of his mind too....

a success is often gone unnoticed…. There was a time when i could walk on to anyone in school and college and talk what I had in mind.. today… I have such a sophisticated crowd around me.. and I would be back stabbed before I can even recognize…. I dont know the guy two cubicles away cos he is working on a different module...

All this just for de pay cheque that comes in on the last working day of the month… am not sure… position and power have become sort of more important than people.. Sometimes I feel suffocating between all these.. I have wanted to leave.. Call it a day.. quit… and get going.. But the fact is that the world ariund me is too materialistic.. and it cannot understand anything but the language of "SMILING GANDHI" or the Sober "BENJAMIN FRANKLIN"

The reaction of the shopkeeper when I walk into a shop with a casual dress I wear at home.. And wen I wlk into place dressed as I go to office is so different….

Forget all this i walk into my office without my badge and i am frisked.. asked for credentials.. my laptop checked inside out... and worser of them all.. my ID card has more value than me........ :(

I don’t know why I should be jolting down these thoughts on the blog… but I felt I wanted to say this..

Let’s live our life the way we want….
One day delay in the project can bring a loss of few dollars.. it can never replace the happiness your MOM/DAD/GURL/GUY/SIS/BRO would have wen u give em a call.. or meet them when they really want to meet you...

Our PM is not GOD… Because he was not made to be God…. And life is too short to waste it on unwanted project pressures.. deadlines ..or
Take time to enjoy life.. smile at everyone.. keep in touch with old frens.. love with all your heart.. so what if you loose… u are left with the previlage of having loved……

Remember sometimes a simple phone call can make ur presence felt…
A simple smile can take you places…
A simple word can make you frens…
A simple look can fetch you love…..

Life is all obout the choices you make... and i belive in having Life.. not jus living it through...
If you can wake up in the morning sit on your porch.. balcony.. sitout,, or anywer you have to sit and drink coffee... and not think of anything.. just enjoy the world around you.. Man you are living a life,,,

About Me

My photo
Bengaluru, Bengaluru, India
I am that one face which could go unrecogonized in a crowd... to phrase it right "Common Man". To me life is everywhere and in everything... writing reading and beliving is passion.. flirtatious.. fickle..these are terms people associate with me.. i have a few million faces and charachters that takes over me now and then... but all through,, i am the same... i am me.